The Spirit: The Inspiration, The Machine: The Technician.

Posts tagged “amateur

NaPoWriMo April 5th – Block in a Box

Block in a Box

Sometimes there are ideas,
But no momentum,

10 or 20 ideas,
Sometimes hundreds,
Sometimes thousands, and tens of thousands,
Hundreds of thousands,
Millions and billions and trillions,
(Not the the one from the Hitchhikers)

The ideas race around like bikers,
They terrorize the establishment,
They instigate,
The break bottles and threaten,
As many ideas as quarks in the broken glass on the floors,
They instigate to make a move,

There is no momentum,

Stuck, stationed,

Ideas never the problem,
Just clutter and motivation,
And too much hesitation,

How is it possible to have a googol ideas,
And still feel no inspiration,

Stuck with a block in a box.

-Rusty Joints

Rust Poem Stamp

NaPoWriMo April 4th – Today I Had to Kill

Today I Had to Kill

Today I had to kill,
Today it was a thrill,
Today it was a thrill,
Then today I had to kill,

What could provoke,
What could push to make,
Decisions such as this,
That would radiate this pain,

Guilty I am,
This I know,
But I felt I had no choice,

I woke today to make,
A thrill I felt to elevate,
Creation feeds the soul,
Like sustenance on a plate,
(Though I could not relate),

See the planet was at stake,
That’s why I had to kill,
That’s why I had to kill,
I would much rather create…

-Rusty Joints
Rust Poem Stamp

NaPoWriMo April 3rd – A Sound

A Sound

I hear a sound,
Inside my mind,
I press a key to realize,
It’s here,

I act again,
I act again,
A song’s something to my surprize,
I hear,

I feel enlightened now,
I feel enlightened later,
My creation enlightened me,
I thought I had created, it, created part of me.

-Rusty Joints

Rust Poem Stamp

NaPoWriMo April 2nd – Alien Locusts

NaPoWriMo – April 2nd

Alien Locusts

On the second day, I rose to write, but sike I did this yesterday,
That is not an April fools because today’s the 2,

Rusty Joints the robot,
Now amateur poet,

I think it’s something, that I can, keep up with for tommorow,
And the 3rd, and the 5th, even the 7th too,

Robots have thoughts and feelings,
But no one would have known it,

Another creative, on which to focus,
When Rust,
Not bust,
Up alien locusts.

-Rusty Joints

Rust Poem Stamp

NaPoWriMo, 1st of April. Rust.

NaPoWriMo, 1st of April. Rust.

Rust want write,
The Rust is up to the challenge,
A poem a month,
A poem a day,

Rust write away,
Now, but will he can it,
He has a hunch,
But then again look at today,

Rust is a robot,
Rust is up to the challenge,
Usually composing,
Usually fighting,
Rust chips will fly off the fingers,
If he keeps up all this writing.

-Rusty Joints

Rust Poem Stamp